Being a successful company on the European medical devices market is very challenging. To succeed in a demanding competition of multinational corporations and also smaller, mainly Western European manufacturers, it is necessary for ProSpon not only to constantly innovate its existing products but also to come up with completely new products and ideally to bring unique solutions. For this reason, ProSpon has invested a lot of financial resources into research and development in recent years and has also established partnerships with leading research workplaces and institutions in the Czech Republic. These include Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology, Technical University of Ostrava, University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Academy of Sciences, First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and University Hospital Ostrava. These collaborative partners guarantee the highest level of technical knowledge, experience and equipment in scientific fields, which are necessary for developing high-quality modern implants. The partnerships with leading academic institutions and the resulting high quality of performed research and development, inevitable for an internationally-competitive environment not only in Europe, is also made possible by subsidy programmes of the Czech Republic. Therefore, with its applied research projects, ProSpon often participates in Public Tenders in research, development and innovation organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO) and The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR).

R&D projects
- EG15_019/0000735 - "Ortho3D" (MPO)
- EG15_019/0004433 - "The osteosynthesis of chest" (MPO)
- EG17_107/0012448 - "Dental implants" (MPO)
- TH04010188 - "OrthoSoft - Computer‐assisted Preoperative 3D Planning in Ortopaedic Surgery and Surgical Oncology" (TA ČR)
- TH04020224 - "The preparation of a TiNbTa powder alloy designated for manufacturing of joint implants with trabecular osseointegration surface by the 3D printing" (TA ČR)
- TH04020318 - "Joint implant with bioactive antibacterial and antibiofilm layer to prevent infection and promote its osteointegration" (TA ČR)
- TM01000061 - "Development of Beta-Titanium based individual implants produced by Additive Manufacturing processes" (TA ČR)
- TM02000060 - "Development of design principles and additive manufacturing of multi-material medical devices" (TA ČR)
- TM02000084 - "Applied research and development of long-term small joint replacements based on additive manufacturing" (TA ČR)
- TN01000071 - "National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering" (TA ČR)
- EG20_321/0024925 - "External fixator with electronically controlled prolongation" (MPO)
- EG20_321/0024929 - "Application of smart function in individual replacements of large joints" (MPO)
- TM03000030 - "Ultrafine grained beta-titanium alloys and its surface modifications development for bio-implants" (TA ČR)
- EI22_002/0000933 - "Custom-made implants for veterinary surgery based on preoperative planning" (MPO)
- 2321000006 - "Vektor knee replacement certificate according to EU regulation 2017/745" (MPO - National Recovery Plan)
- EI22_002/0000934 - "Antibacterial barrier in human joint replacements" (MPO)
MPO - Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; TA ČR - The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic